海外サイトからレコメンドが届きました。( 2014/4/7 )

"Resonance Love," the newest album from Molice, breathes new life into the surf rock genre while keeping to its nitty-gritty roots."

MOLICEの最新作"Resonance Love,"

- Evan Bourgault  [Boston Bastard Brigade ]



From the first track, Resonance Love delivers the driving rhythms we have come to expect from Molice.  As the journey continues, tracks such as “Rainbow,”  “Dance Dance,” “RiverS,” and “Plugged Love,” reveal richer layers of experience and surprises.

“Resonance Love” は、MOLICEらしい疾走するリズムから始まる。
“Rainbow,”  “Dance Dance,” “RiverS,” そして “Plugged Love,” と進むにつれ

- SeanBird, Producer [ Host of The J-Pop Exchange WVCR 88.3 FM ]